
Built-in Active GameObject

A built-in Variable that returns the active GameObject (the one shown in the inspector).

Built-in Current FPS

A built-in Variable that returns the current FPS (Frames Per Second) the app/game is running at.

Built-in Day

A built-in Variable that returns the day of the month for the current date.

Built-in Default Language

A built-in Variable that returns the default language.

Built-in Delta Time

A built-in Variable that returns the time in seconds it took to complete the last frame.

Built-in Device Name

A built-in Variable that returns name of the current device.

Built-in Frame

An built-in Variable that returns a zero-based index indicating the current frame since the start of the application.

Return type: Integer.

Built-in Hour

A built-in Variable that returns the hour for the current time.

Built-in Input Axis

A built-in Variable that returns the current value of the virtual input axis, both horizontal and vertical.

Built-in Input Axis X

A built-in Variable that returns the current value of the virtual horizontal input axis.

Built-in Input Axis Y

A built-in Variable that returns the current value of the virtual vertical input axis.

Built-in Language

A built-in Variable that returns the current language.

Built-in Main Camera

A built-in Variable that returns the first enabled Camera tagged as 'MainCamera'.

Built-in Minute

A built-in Variable that returns the minute for the current time.

Built-in Month

A built-in Variable that returns the month number for the current date.

Built-in Mouse Axis

A built-in Variable that returns the current value of the Mouse input axis, both horizontal and vertical.

Built-in Mouse Axis X

A built-in Variable that returns the current value of the horizontal input axis of the Mouse.

Built-in Mouse Axis Y

A built-in Variable that returns the current value of the vertical input axis of the Mouse.

Built-in Mouse Delta

A built-in Variable that returns the delta (relative movement) position of the mouse cursor.

Built-in Mouse Delta X

A built-in Variable that returns the delta (relative movement) for the X coordinate of the mouse.

Built-in Mouse Delta Y

A built-in Variable that returns the delta (relative movement) for the Y coordinate of the mouse.

Built-in Mouse Position

A built-in Variable that returns the current position of the mouse cursor.

Built-in Mouse Position X

A built-in Variable that returns the X coord. of the current position of the mouse cursor.

Built-in Mouse Position Y

A built-in Variable that returns the Y coord. of the current position of the mouse cursor.

Built-in Mouse Wheel

A built-in Variable that returns the amount of scrolling applied on the mouse wheel.

Built-in Native Resolution

A built-in Variable that returns the native resolution of the current screen.

Built-in Screen Center

A built-in Variable that returns the position of the screen center in Screen coords.

Built-in Screen Size

A built-in Variable that returns the current screen size.

Built-in Second

A built-in Variable that returns the second for the current time.

Built-in Year

A built-in Variable that returns the year for the current date.


Defines a list of items of the same type.


Defines a localized value.

A Localization is a Variable whose value is chosen according to the current Language from a set of predefined values specified as language-value pairs.


Defines a parameter of the specified type.


Defines a variable of the specified type.

Last updated